Introduction to the Internet - Nashville

Introduction to the Internet

At Introduction to the Internet we help businesses and
businesspeople make informed business decisions about the Internet.

Do these look familiar?

Facebook Twitter Search Engine Optimization (SEO)social mediaLinkedIn
Web 2.0Google blog cloudPinterest WordPress analyticsappsYouTube

If you're comfortable with these concepts and how they relate to you and your business, congratulations. You are internet savvy. If not, Introduction to the Internet (ITTI-Nashville) can help.

Contact Us:
(615) 337-1033

Streamline your web process so that it makes sense for your business.

Internet business decisions can seem daunting

Additional services:

LinkedIn Mentoring
Regular Maintenance
Analytics Reports
Staff Training, WordPress Site Development,
Web Site Quality Review

The Philosophy behind our service

The internet ecosystem has changed life and the way we do business.

Successful individuals who have no problem understanding their businesses find themselves feeling frustrated, confused, and left behind due to the upheaval the internet has caused.

The problem is that this new paradigm is dominated by insider terminology and by a youth-oriented culture that is brilliant in technical skill but short on life/business experience and, at times, people skills.

ITTI-Nashville bridges that divide by providing personalized internet guidance and education tailored to our clients' individual situations.

We help business people develop their online personae
from a business perspective.

We help businesses integrate their web site into their business.

We will:

The first step is a one hour meeting during which we will talk with you about your internet-related concerns and goals. Learn more about our available plans.

Based on our initial consultation, we can help guide you down the internet path you've chosen. For some we offer a Business Internet Assessment, a strong benchmark of your current online status and basic steps to put you on a firm foundation. For others we offer the ability to educate, train, develop, and guide. It's all based on you. As in business and life, there is no clean cut mold to fit in to.

It's simple: your bottom line may suffer if you are not comfortable with the internet. Let us help you find that online comfort zone.

We can help. That's what we do. It's our business. Let us help you get back to yours.

If you are an executive, manager, professional, business owner, or entrepreneur who feels out of the loop when internet-savvy people start speaking what seems like a foreign language, contact us for a free one hour consultation: